Monday, February 22, 2010

Movie Industry: Enough is Enough

I've been using IMDB (International Movie Database) since ... well a very long time. I'm kinda insulted that they are actually charging for their imdbPro. Imdb was the one place I could go (anytime) to get great movie info. Past, present and pending movies, as well as info on actors, has always been at my finger tips. This was just curiosity info, and so fun to read.
So, today when I was just looking up whether or not Outlander (the novel) was really going to be a movie, I looked to imdb. Then, WHAM! Once again, someone wanted money. I had to join ImdbPro to see the info, for a fee of $12.95 per month.
Really, they couldn't just share the info. What w/all the ads and shared links and traffic funds generated, they needed more?
Why does the movie industry charge money like a hospital, now? Not savin' any lives. It's just for fun. That's right, I said it.
The movie industry is just for fun!
No validity other than entertainment.
So, why are we all paying out the wazoo on every aspect of it? $10.50 for one ticket ... $12.95 for info on a movie that isn't even made, yet!
... As I see it, I should really charge the movie company to find out the info. See, then I tell all my friends about the movie that is going to be made, so they can make plans to see it and get all excited that it is coming out! Word of mouth is pretty valuable. How about, all you movie moguls put out the info you want to spread and we charge you everytime we mention it on the web, email, phone convo, at the water cooler? Just sayin'

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Asked to Join

Everytime we turn around, we are asked to spend our money or time.
Last year we were totally spent and stretched w/time and money. Looking around, I was stupified. We were frazzled, and tired, and just plain confused. How did it happen? We thought we were keeping it on track, one activity a season. Well, scouts, dance and religious ed are all year. ... hmmm ... We obviously hadn't thought it through that well.
This year, I've gone on a calendar purge. I'm learning to say, "no," to anything not adding to the overall joy of my family. So, I challenge you to do the same. Purge the clutter on your calendar!
However, there are things worth the time. You have to decide what it is in your life that comes up and is worth the time.